Friday, 30 November 2012

Curriculum Vitae
Md. Shaifur Rahman
House No: 12, Road No: 3, Sector No: 6,
Uttara Model Town, Dhaka-1230
Mobile No: +880-1814-343740
Career Objective

Striving to achieve excellence through selective and focused pursuit of the short and long run goals and expect an environment where my work field, knowledge and excellence will be highly challenging.

Academic profile

Bachelor of Business Administration - BBA (Honors):

University                               : ASA University Bangladesh (ASAUB)
Major Discipline                      : Accounting
Year of passing                       : 2012
Duration                                  : 4 years
Result                                      : CGPA – 3.064

Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC):

College                                    : Rajshahi City College
Duration                                  : Two years
Major Discipline                      : Business Studies
Year of passing                       : 2006
Result                                      : CGPA – 3.40
Board                                      : Rajshahi

Secondary School certificate (SSC):

School                                     : Shahid Mamun Mahmud High School & College
Duration                                  : Two years
Major Discipline                      : Science
Year of passing                       : 2004
Result                                      : CGPA – 3.19
Board                                      : Rajshahi

Computer Skills
·         Excellent knowledge in Windows 98, Windows 2000 & XP, Windows 7
·         Excellent knowledge in office management utilities
·         Fully accountable with Microsoft office package
·         Internet such as: web browsing, e-mailing, video conferencing

Skills and Qualification
·         Have the skills in business and correspondence as well as writing report & multimedia presentation
·         Smart and efficient learner
·         Strong Analytical and interpersonal skills
·         Team players and leadership skills, keen to take responsibility

      Language Skills
·         Proficient in written in English and Bangla

Extra Curriculum Activities
·         I was a CR (Class Representative) during my BBA Program
·         I volunteered in most the annual function at my university
·         I was a member in debt club
·         I successfully volunteered in ASAUB relief program
·         I played in the first division cricket team of Rajshahi

Personal details    
Name                                       : Md. Shaifur Rahman
Father’s Name                         : Md. Motiur Rahman
Mother’s Name                       : Mrs. Shalaha Rahman
Permanent Address                 : House No- 212, Village – kasobpur, Post: Rajshahi GPO,
Thana: Rajpara, District: Rajshahi
Date of Birth                           : 25th August, 1989
Nationality                              : Bangladeshi by Birth
Religion                                   : Islam
Marital Status                          : Unmarried
Blood Group                           : B+
Height                                     : 5.6 foot (167.0 cm)
Weight                                    : 65 kg
Votar ID Card No                  : 8198504367182
Contact Number                     : +880-1814-343740
E-mail                                     :


v  Dr. M. Mahmodul Hasan 
President and Chief Strategist
iMart International
97 Gulshan Avenue, Dhaka- Bangladesh,
25 1B East India Dock Road, London, U.K.
Mobile no: +880-1920-300293
v  Dr. Md. Abdul Hye
Professor & Dean
Faculty of Business
ASA University Bangladesh
ASA Tower
23/3, Bir Uttam A.N.M Nuruzzaman Sarak Shyamoli, Dhaka-1207 Bangladesh.
Mobile no: +880-1199-411594

Shaifur Rahman